Chinese Educators Visit Oakland International High School
On Tuesday, November 5th, a delegation of educators from China visited Oakland International High School to learn more about the school's approach to environmental service-learning.
At Oakland International High School, an Edible Forest Begins to Bloom
Oakland North Brittany Schell
Banana and apples trees, pomegranate, pear, and plum. Blackberries and strawberries, lemons and persimmons. Thyme, sage, and a host of other herbs. This isn’t a supermarket produce section or a busy Saturday farmer’s market—it’s an edible forest, two of them in fact, planted by students in the courtyard of Oakland International High School.
Back to School at Oakland's International High
PRI's The World Monica Campbell
It’s back-to-school season, always a bit tricky, especially at high school. Now add to that a new language and country and things just got more intimidating. That’s what many new immigrants and refugees face as they start school in the U.S. But in California, one public high school tries to offer these students a softer landing.
Graphic Novels Help Immigrants Transcend Language Barriers
Students at Oakland International High School Describe Their Immigration Experiences with Graphic Art
Oakland North Mariel WaloffOn Tuesday, November 5th, a delegation of educators from China visited Oakland International High School to learn more about the school's approach to environmental service-learning.
At Oakland International High School, an Edible Forest Begins to Bloom
Oakland North Brittany Schell
Banana and apples trees, pomegranate, pear, and plum. Blackberries and strawberries, lemons and persimmons. Thyme, sage, and a host of other herbs. This isn’t a supermarket produce section or a busy Saturday farmer’s market—it’s an edible forest, two of them in fact, planted by students in the courtyard of Oakland International High School.
Back to School at Oakland's International High
PRI's The World Monica Campbell
It’s back-to-school season, always a bit tricky, especially at high school. Now add to that a new language and country and things just got more intimidating. That’s what many new immigrants and refugees face as they start school in the U.S. But in California, one public high school tries to offer these students a softer landing.
Graphic Novels Help Immigrants Transcend Language Barriers
KQED's The California Report Lillian Mongeau
Graphic novels have been growing in popularity and respect. Some teachers are using them in the classroom as a teaching tool. Now, students at an Oakland school for recent immigrants have just published a collection of stories that describe their arrival to this country. Students at Oakland International High School Describe Their Immigration Experiences with Graphic Art
Each fall, art teacher Thi Bui asks her ninth and tenth graders to tell their immigration stories in comic book form. Her students published their first collection of comics three years ago, and called it Immigration Stories.
A Teenage Refugee with Silicon Valley Dreams
Oakland Tribune Katy Murphy
Oakland International High School senior, Indra Bahadur Karki didn't know how to turn on a computer when he arrived in the United States in 2008, but the 17-year-old refugee isn't easily discouraged -- especially by what he doesn't yet know.
Oakland International High School: Opening Doors to the American Dream
KDOL TV & Media Enterprise Alliance. Oakland International students with Pam Uzzell and Chris Guevarra
Students from Oakland International High School produced this documentary about our school's unique role in helping immigrant and refugee students from throughout Oakland get prepared for success in college and beyond. Take a look at their work and learn about their experience at OIHS.
Former Chile President Michelle Bachelet visits Bay Area
ABC News. Lyanne Melendez.
"All of us may be different, but we are all important, we can all be part of a nation, part of society and for me this is very deep," Bachelet said.
Chile's ex-president visits Oakland high school
SF Gate. Jill Tucker.
Oakland International students meet with former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet.
Former president of Chile gives guidance to Oakland students
Oakland Tribune. Katy Murphy.
Michelle Bachelet visited Oakland International High School and gave advice to our senior class.
Immigrant, refugee teens in Oakland tell their stories
Oakland Tribune. Katy Murphy.
Students at Oakland International High School published a graphic novel with stories about their home countries and life in Oakland.
Back-to-School for Grownups: Oakland's Principal for a Day Program
Oakland North. Lillian R. Mongeau.
As part of Oakland’s Principal for a Day program, Port official Diann Castleberry learns how to write tardy slips, subs for the secretary, and grapples with the Odyssey.
A Chance to Learn.
The Los Angeles Times. Photography and audio by Francine Orr. Produced by Marc Martin.
Oakland International High School takes in refugee and immigrant children from around the world.
OUSD Case Study: Oakland International High School
The School Redesign Network at Stanford University. Julie Kessler.
This case study is one of six conducted for the report, Oakland Unified School District: New Small Schools Initiative Evaluation. The report and case studies can be downloaded from http://www.srnleads.org/resources/publications/ousd/ousd.html.
Integrating Immigrant Teens
KQED. Kelly Wilkinson.
Oakland International High School is part of an educational network that has been awarded $50,000 from the Migration Policy Institute for its work integrating immigrant teens into U.S. society. What are the challenges of giving immigrant students the tools they need to thrive in the U.S.?
Oakland Tribune. Katy Murphy.
Refugee and asylee students play soccer at Oakland International High School as a part of the Soccer Without Borders program.
Colorado students visit Oakland to learn more about immigration
Oakland Tribune. Momo Chang.
A group of middle school students from Silverton, CO visit Oakland International High School as part of a trip to learn more about immigration.
Oakland A Unique High School for Immigrants Brings Hope to Oakland
New America Media. Carolyn Goossen & Min Lee.
"In Oakland, a unique high school is taking on the daunting task of educating immigrant and refugee student populations from all over the world. In a time of national questioning about offering services to immigrants, this school gives students a chance to grow and participate meaningfully in their new society."
Project SOAR at International High School
Project SOAR. Jessica Jarin.
A look inside Oakland International High School by Academic Counseling Advisor, Jessica Jarin.
Oakland Joins Movement to Educate Recent Immigrants
KCBS Radio. George Harris.
A story about the students served at Oakland International High School and the official opening ceremony.
Students Experience U.S. at New International High
Inside Bay Area. Howard Hsu.
An article about students at Oakland International High School, their perceptions of the U.S. before arriving, and the realities of their new lives in the Bay Area.
New International High School Opening Doors for Students
KTVU/Fox. Patti Lee.
This segment highlights the groundbreaking launch of Oakland International High School as an extremely positive measure that aids immigrant students in their adjustment to the United States. The piece also documents the challenges that English learners face and the success that programs similar to Oakland International have experienced in other cities. Principal Carmelita Reyes speaks to the need for additional language instruction to help English learners pass the state exit exam.
Oakland International High School
World Journal. Monica Xu.
This Chinese-language article covers the opening of Oakland International High School, a school that assists recent immigrants in the acquisition of English-language and college preparation skills.
Better Odds: A New High School for Oakland's Newest Immigrants
Novo Metro. Alex Gronke.
This article focuses on Oakland International High School's freshman class of newly arrived immigrant students and the challenges they traditionally face in public schools.
West Coast School District Uses East Coast Model
Education Week. Mary Ann Zehr.
This blog post covers the opening of Oakland International High School and the support received from the Internationals Network of Public Schools in New York.